The Environmental Engineering and Science Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. As such, all contributions donated through this site are eligible to receive a tax-deduction.
The Environmental Engineering and Science Foundation supports several educational, awards, and outreach programs and supports a variety of activities and initiatives of the American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists.
To donate, simply click Donate Now under the appropriate category. You will then be directed to PayPal's secured portal where you can select the specific fund in the drop down menu to which you wish to contribute. You may make a one-time donation or opt to make a monthly contribution. A PayPal account is not required to donate to the Environmental Engineering and Science Foundation.
Descriptions of the various funds and their charitable objectives are below.
Click on the image to the right to donate to the EESF Scholarship Fund.
EESF Donation Fund Descriptions
Educational Programs
ABET Protection Program Fund
Supports the cost of AAEES accreditation audits of College Environmental Engineering Programs.
Environmental Engineering and Science Foundation (EESF) Scholarship Campaign Fund
Scholarships are awarded to deserving graduate, undergraduate, and community college students annually. For more information on the EESF Scholarship Program, go to
Kappe Lecture Series Fund
This lecture series shares the knowledge of today's practitioners with tomorrow's environmental engineers and scientists. It is an annually recurring series of lectures presented online or at college campuses during the Fall academic term.
The Students & Young Professionals Fund
This fund supports student activities in environmental engineering and environmental science at colleges and universities. The S&YP Fund is used to facilitate events on or off-campus that will assist students in their academic advancement, enhance their understanding of the profession, and support their career aspirations.
The K-12 Student Competition Fund
This fund is used to support ongoing K-12 student competitions.
Awards Programs
Excellence in Environmental Engineering and Science (E3S) Awards
This prestigious program solicits, evaluates, judges, and makes awards in half a dozen categories for “flagship”, high profile, groundbreaking environmental engineering and science projects.
Excellence in Environmental Engineering and Science (E4S) Education Award
This fund supports the Excellence in Environmental Engineering and Science (E4S) Education Award. This award is granted annually to an educator who has made a significant contribution to educating environmental practitioners.
The Fred Pohland Memorial Fund
This fund supports the Frederick George Pohland Medal which is awarded annually to an individual who has made sustained and outstanding efforts integrating environmental engineering research, education, and practice.
The W. Brewster Snow Award Fund
This fund supports the W. Brewster Snow Award, which is awarded annually to an outstanding engineering student pursuing or recently completing a Masters degree in Environmental Engineering or closely-related degree program.
Paul F. Boulos Excellence in Computational Hydraulics/Hydrology Award
This award is given annually to recognize a student whose research contributes to advances in Computational Hydraulics & Hydrology. The award selection is based on original, innovative research of publishable quality. Both Master's and Ph.D. students are eligible.
Outreach Programs
The Environmental Engineering and Science Foundation General Fund
The general fund for the Environmental Engineering and Science Foundation.
The American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists General Fund
The general fund for the American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists.
Environmental Engineer and Scientist Magazine
Supports the publication of this technical and professional magazine for Engineers and Scientists.
The W. Wesley Eckenfelder Fund
This memorial fund was established in the name of W. Wesley Eckenfelder. Awards are made for Outstanding Graduate Research Award, the W. Wesley Eckenfelder Industrial Waste Management Medal, the W. Wesley Eckenfelder Distinguished Leadership Award, and the W. Wesley Eckenfelder University Lectures.
You may also mail your donation to:
Environmental Engineering and Science Foundation
c/o American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists®
1125 West Street, Suite 251
Annapolis, MD 21401
In doing so, please specify the program you wish to support.