Announcing the 2020 Environmental Engineering and Science Foundation Scholarship Recipients
The Environmental Engineering and Science Foundation (EESF) has as its Mission to secure and direct resources to advance environmental engineering and science in the areas of research, education and practice. In line with its mission, EESF has created four annual scholarships for Environmental Engineering and Environmental Science students at the undergraduate and Master’s levels.
Four $2,500 scholarships are being awarded for:
- Undergraduate Environmental Engineering
- Undergraduate Environmental Science
- Master’s level Environmental Engineering
- Master’s level Environmental Science
The two undergraduate scholarships target students from Community Colleges.
The 2020 scholarship recipients emerged from a highly competitive process that considered academic achievement, resume, essay, and letters of recommendation.
EESF was able to attract a sizable number of applicants and the quality of their qualifications was outstanding.
It is our privilege to introduce the four outstanding recipients and provide excerpts from their resumes and essays.

Undergraduate Environmental Engineering: Vicky Wanjohi
Rutgers University with a focus in Water Resources. Vicky’s goal is to help build and maintain infrastructures that are resilient to the effects of climate change and that can provide a high level of quality to all individuals. Having completed her Associate degree at Raritan Community College, Vicki has already started coursework at Rutgers and is co-leader of the Rutgers Engineers Without Borders Kenya Project.

Undergraduate Environmental Science: Nicole Kemler
UC Berkeley, Conservation and Resource Management with focus in Environmental Policy and Human Health. Nicole aspires to improve the level of sustainability expected from large corporations. While completing her Associate degree at Southwestern College, Nicole served as a Watershed Educator for the Resource Conservation District of San Diego and as a sustainability intern at The Living Coast Discovery Center in Chula Vista, CA.

Master’s Degree in Environmental Engineering: Sophie De Respino
University of Texas at Austin with focus on water and wastewater technology. Sophie’s goal is to advance knowledge of sustainable water treatment technology by focusing on mechanisms and innovations at the molecular level. Following completion of her undergraduate degree at the University of Alabama, she has started coursework at UT Austin where she is a Graduate Research Assistant.

Master’s Degree In Environmental Science: Jasmine Walker
The Ohio State University with focus on the Environment and Natural Resources. Jasmine’s ambition is to conduct research that traces harmful chemicals including emerging contaminants. Jasmine completed her undergraduate degree at Central State University. She was an intern with Montgomery County Environmental Services, participated in NASA summer research, and started the first chapter of MANRRS (Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources and Related Sciences) at Central State.